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PKURC74BMVTemplates - pubnames.ntf - Fixed an issue where group member name list was not populated when open the names.nsf over HTTPS from a...
ANIAC99CQCTemplates - Pubnames - Updated the holiday documents for Japan.
ASAEBS5JKQTemplates - Mail - Fixed an issue where when a Meeting was counter proposed by an invitee, the meeting alarm would display at the old meeting time...
ASATC48JKCTemplates - Mail - Fixed an issue where the Join hotspot in a calendar entry would not work if the meeting url needed to be case sensitive. This...
SVAIBW7946Templates - Mail12.ntf - German - Fixed an issue in the german mail template where using More - Copy into new - To Do would open up a new mail tab...
STAAC9KAYZTemplates - pernames.ntf - Fixed an issue where the address picker would not show the list of existing users in a group. This regression was...
LHUGC9Z5S8Templates - mail12.ntf - Traditional Chinese - Fixed an issue where Show - Conversations was not working. This regression was introduced in...
SJOICATCPWTemplates - mail12.ntf - German - Fixed an issue in German mail template where there was an incorrect translation of "Remove Rooms". This regression...
THIOCC6226Templates - mailbox.ntf - Japanese - Fixed a translation error where "Pending Message" and "Held Message" were translated to the same word in...
PDARCC78J3Templates - Mail12.ntf - Fixed an issue where a meeting cancellation notice was being sent to the chair when they cancelled a meeting that contained...
SJOICCEDGUTemplates - Mail - Roaming User - Fixed an issue where a contact created on a device was not seen in names.nsf after replication due to missing...
AVAACDEK8HTemplates - Mail - Fixed in issue in the german mail template where When using this template where deleting a doc via drag&drop to the trash bin did...
SKUECDNHXRTemplates - Mail - German - Fixed a German mail template translation error where translation for cancelation of a meeting ("Owner Actions - Cancel")...
YYUNCEC849Templates - bookmark.ntf - Traditional Chinese - Fixed an issue where setting user preference for "Save window state on exit", then exiting the Notes...
SAPLCBV853Templates - mail12.ntf - Fixed an issue where JAWS was not announcing calendar form links for Room, Resouces and Add Category. This regression was...
RKKKCBY8VVTemplates - websecuritystore.ntf - Updated the template version number to current version.
ASIACD7HBGTemplates - mail12.ntf - Polish - Fixed an issue where the reply/forward icons were not visible in the inbox with Polish mail...
SPPPCDFF4WTemplates - pubnames.ntf - Fixed an issue on Linxu where clicking on “TOTP Configuration check” for a TOTP enabled user would result in the error...
ASAECEDF9STemplates - mail12.ntf - Fixed an issue with under some conditions, mail-in databases would use the incorrect username for the return...
ASAECFP9LMTemplates - mail12.ntf - Fixed a problem where a Domino Administrator who was a member of a user's mail file's LocalDomainAdmin group was not able to...


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